Saturday, April 11, 2020

Mr. “Incredible”

If I hear the President say one more time, “How incredible we are and how incredible this time is.” Let’s get serious here. Things are so far from incredible right now. We need a leader that doesn’t sugar coat everything. We’re smart enough to know when we are being sold to. Don’t sale me garbage, just shoot it straight my friend.

I would like to turn my T.V. on and see a leader who can take down the wall of self righteousness and just be human for once. There is not one American at this point that hasn’t been in one way effected by the Coronavirus. The President doesn’t have a crystal ball to see into the future like we all may hope. He can’t honestly say when this all will be over. So, don’t ask.

Right now, we need a Martin Luther King or a Teddy Roosevelt. We need to hear words to live by. Not how incredible everything is. I want to hear words that keep me strong when I feel weak. I want to believe that after this is over, we are changed for the better. I’d like to believe that companies will remember the basis they were built on, humanity not money. My heart wants to see people re-prioritize what’s most important in their lives.

So yes, Mr. President we are incredible but hearing it over and over does not assure me one little bit. If there was anytime in ones life to speak from the heart. Now would be it.

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