Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Dancing out of the Fire


Her heart danced.

She was like light that sifted through time and swayed with thought

Where to? She wondered


No one to chase her

She was free

The birds took to flight and lifted her with them

Their wispy feathers brushing up and down, weaving her through the clouds


The fire that once burned so long ago

Had been ignited

She created sparks with each flying moment


Sounds of spring were coming

She could hear them from far away

They sounded like dandelions that blew in the wind

Bringing wishes


A ballet of dreams whispered in her ears

Reminding her that they had been there all along


Shades of colors twirled by her

She grabbed on

They lifted her higher and higher

Climbing toward the rays of radiance


Memories tucked in small places

But out of the way


Her translucent loveliness glowed

She stood on her toes, pirouetted

Spun as gold flakes fell

She was alive












  I wanted it to be a cardinal.     Ruby feathers that spread from one side of the country to the other.       When I looked int...