Thursday, December 31, 2020




Looking back on this year makes me feel many things. It sparks something in me that I didn’t know existed. Resilience.


The life that I once knew in 2019 is no more. So many changes that I never thought were possible. But somehow, I sit here on the last day of the year and can smile a little. Even with all the sadness and isolation that has protected me but also has reminded me how beautiful this world was before this year. The things I took for granted are now at the top of my list to do again. And when I do…it will be a moment with such gratitude.


I pardon the time I’ll never get back. Because in those moments I learned that even with adversity I can put one foot in front of another. I may not walk very far but for now that’s okay. Because sometimes we all need to slow down to enjoy the walk.


This year has taught me to hang on and be patient. Not only with myself but with others. We all do things our own way…and that’s okay. That’s what makes us united. Our differences challenges us to listen to one another so we can get through this. We cannot judge what we don’t know. Our exterior is only a shadow of the person we really are. Be cautious to not persecute what you don’t see.


As the next year approaches—I have faith that we will heal and soon rebuild our lives in a way that’s stronger than ever. Step by step…

  I wanted it to be a cardinal.     Ruby feathers that spread from one side of the country to the other.       When I looked int...